Monthly Archives: December 2012

Christmas Spirit.

I love christmas, but who doesn’t?


The very moment you become a mother it has an entirely new meaning. I actually can’t remember all that many christmas’ before having kids, except for those few moments that stick when things happened on that one day a year where we could get away with eating sugary goods for breakfast and we didn’t get in trouble for waking mum and dad at dawn. One time like when my little brother was given a robotic arm. All my sister wanted to do was make its rude finger stick up.

All day.


Mum and Dad would giggle while telling her it was rude, I personally was sitting back waiting to get my hand on the thing so I could do the same.


That year I was around 12 and all I got was bed sheets and fluro underwear, which I actually thought meant I was ‘growing up’ and was quite cool in a weird way. That one year where dad took my sister and I shopping for each other and both of us picked the very same gift for the other. That one year we got a second hand….probably 6th hand computer and all we could do was play solitare on it but still it was the best thing ever!


That one year I got a Hanson video and thought I would die because I loved them so much.


Once I had kids the element of magic became more important for me. I want that day to be all about the kids, they have every right to be selfish and happy on that day, it is the very thing that gives us adults joy at christmas and secretly I think a child’s joy is is the closest one can get to the fountain of youth. They don’t have to cook the food or clean up the pigsty they create. It is the day they get to make reindeer food consitising of tapioca seeds, rice, glass noodles, dried fruit and nut which is too old and stale for human consumption, with a few bay leaves thrown in and blue food dye with their uncle.

(and then package and spread around the yard!)


It is the day they get to wear pyjamas all day, or nothing at all in some of my kids case, they can wear funny lycra baby hats and sleep in strange places.

We are creating memories here and we are built of nothing but memories.


The day must be fun and happy and it must be for them.


My sister and I glanced at each other with slight smirks throughout christmas eve as our lies, yes lies…became a touch more elaborate than the previous year.


Questions like ‘How come we have to be asleep before Santa arrives?’ get tougher and tougher to answer especially since Bella at 11 years old still 80% believes in him.


I think about these things all the time and how I can prolong the element of magic and christmas spirit  especially for her, we answered with a sarcastic der-like shoulder shrug and asked back ‘Well how would Santa deliver all the presents on time?’


“He could just say hi and give me a hug.’ Bella says.

“Oh my god….just imagine how long it would take Santa to say a little hi and hug each and every child around the world! Seriously, he’d run out of time.” We’d exclaim. “He’s not being rude Bella, he just wants to make sure each kid gets their presents before the suns up.”


It satisfied her curiosity. It made sense just like when the tooth fairy didn’t come one Sunday night. “Tooth faires go to church on Sundays. Didn’t you know that?’

Sometimes as parents we need a little cover.


Christmas means so much to me now as a mum and I am so happy that this year we were back in NSW for it. It is the one day a year where my kids can have copious amounts of chocolate before their christmas pancakes (really a pointless act, but it makes me feel good.) It is the one day a year where there is a constant stream of activities and food and laughter.


The one day a year when all adult attention is souly focused on the utter happiness of our kids. (And about being able to BE kids ourselves.)


It is the one day a year that is specifically all about giving our kids a massive amount of attention and joy and yes, the rules are bent and broken and sometimes there are none at all.


But I love it.

It is my day to be a kid too.


I was so happy to have Gwenda my mother-in-law stay, my sister Nicole, brother Matt, Lilly my niece, Mum and Oz her fiance and my little baby brother and sister Riley,11 and Gracie,9 all were here. We had put off our christmas day this year as Glen wasn’t home until late christmas night. Boxing day became our christmas and not one of our kids knew any different.

(Which makes me realise we could have a half year christmas too if we wanted!)


We woke early to chocolate covered faces exclaiming Santa had been, they checked everything out before a big family pancake and cuppacino breakfast followed by present opening. After a round of ‘slamming golf balls into the dam’ and playing fairies in the stream, we went in search of a mysterious waterfall down at the back of the property with no luck, we returned for a swim and large lunch.


After lunch was a hilarious and a tiny bit too serious nerf gun fight.


I think my sister has anger issues.


We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening snacking and playing cricket, totem tennis, football and soccer. Laughing our heads off at how we somehow managed to play all games at once yet across each others games. It was like a cross roads of ball games. If you were caught in the centre you were sure to get damaged. We were hit in the face, back of the head sometimes by accident, mostly on purpose.


We laughed and played like the biggest group of kids.


After a big dinner we lit our pool with glow sticks and had a final swim before hot showers and baths a tad of telly and finally bed.


Despite utter exhaustion and a few tears here and there, it was one of the best days ever. We had such a ball with each other and I truly appreciated my family that day.


There were moments where I looked around and despite all our differences, all our flaws and mistakes, all our weird traits and unique personalities we all just mooshed into one odd but fantastic family.

I love when things just click.


And things for me that day clicked.

Some of us swear too much, some not at all. Some of us are touchy and some of us say stupid things. Some of us drink too much and some probably not enough. Some of us are too worried about silly things and some worry not at all. Some of us like to pass gas and blame it on others and some of us think it is hilarious and some of us not at all. Some of us hold the importance of family higher than others and some of us don’t care much at all about anything.


But all of us were together.

All of us laughed.

All of us are each of us.

I see it now, the bigger picture.

We are what we are.

Nothing more, nothing less.

One big ugly family who together, are simply awesome.

Chapman, Pepper & Blue-Ginger

I just wanted to share the stories of the 3 new personalities in our home.

Pepper and Blue-Ginger are two brothers from a little of nine kittens which had been left in a beer box on the side of a highway. A woman driving past with her daughter noticed it moving and pulled over. She immediately took the very young, motherless kittens to the pet hospital where only 3 -the cutest with most chance- were selected to be hand raised and re-homed should they survive.

These two little boys where left after their sister had been adopted and sat in a small enclosure for 2 weeks before we came to visit them.

They were playful and funny and Buddy and Molly were in love right away.


I couldn’t choose which one was more deserving of a home so we left. Well that is how I felt. I didn’t want to leave one just sitting there crying for its brother.

The next day we returned and gave both a home.


Now I know they’ll never be left alone.

Almost a week later I heard about Chapman. An almost 5-year-old male cat who was also rescued as a kitten and nursed back to health by the volunteers at Happy Paws Haven ,a no kill organisation who rescues and cares for, and then helps re-home cats and dogs.

He’d been living there since being rescued back in 2009. He’d never ever had a family. His personality is so gentle and caring, not pushy but a little shy. The past couple of nights I’ve crept around the house with him trying to get him comfortable and familiar with his new home.

He’s adjusting nicely and I can see him warming up towards us all.


I spent close to 2 hours at the animal shelter. It is a little overwhelming to see so many cats, most with wonderful personalities and then to be able to choose only one?

They all deserve homes just as much as each other.

There was Karli a beautiful pale orange boy, short-haired and sleek with one missing eye. It didn’t bother him at all ,it kind of made him more awesome, like a cat pirate. He loved a pat on his terms but once he wanted you to leave him alone, he would smack you on the hand with his paw and face away. Attitude. Awesome cat pirate attitude.

Then there was Genevieve, she was short and fat and round, white and orange tabby. She totally reminded me of a little chubby grandmother. She swirled back and forth around my legs, not in an annoying way but in a loving way, she seemed to be smiling a sweet knowing smile. I could imagine her just climbing up on someones lap at the end of the day, looking up at them as if to say ‘now tell me all your troubles dear….’

And then Tiger, amazing green eyes. A grey and black tabby, he was lithe and agile. He was the only cat to have ever escaped from the cat house. No one knows how, he just did. Just wanted to frolic and pounce around being free.

I can relate Tiger.

Oh so many. So many that I liked, so many that would have fitted in with our odd assortment of beings here at home.

But only one.

I decided to go with Chapman even though there were many that I liked, because he wasn’t in my face, he was quiet and placid. He was one of lots of ordinary, plain black cats.


His pale green eyes kind of looked into mine as if he was saying ‘Its ok, you choose one of the cuter cats. I understand.’ I chose him because he’d been there so long, I thought it would be nice to allow him a real family, with lots of love and attention and laughter.

Genevieve, Karli and Tiger will all find homes some day and hopefully all the other nameless cats and kittens in the shelter will too.

One person could never ever save or help them all, but even giving one life a little hope is better than none at all.

This christmas if you’re looking for a pet, check out your local animal shelters first. They are all in need of homes and sadly many cats, kittens and dogs are put down each and every day. They may not be the cutest, fluffiest or fanciest of pets but they have stories to tell and lots of personality.


A pet isn’t an accessory its a family member.

Merry month of christmas!

Nothing Happened 12.12.12

Of course nothing happened, nothing is predicted to happen until 21.12.12.

Will the world end? No I don’t think so, we’re destroying the Earth but have not yet got to the point to totally ending her.

Will something happen? Perhaps.

There are people who believe some will ‘ascend.’

The world and everything in it emits energy or vibrations. And these are very real. The date and times predicted, point to a specific time when the Earth’s vibrations will have lowered to a very thin point. Think of it as a rubber band being pulled and pulled and pulled. It will have a weak and thin point somewhere. Some think lowered enough for some to ascend and break through into a higher dimension.

Currently we live in the 3rd dimension and spend about a third of our lives in the 4th dimension. This is where we are when we dream.

The date does not point to the end of the world, what it points to is an end to a 26,000 year cycle.

We wonder at how the Egyptians and Mayans and other ancient civilisations created such amazing things considering we think that they are such ‘primitive’ people. They did not have the advanced technologies we have now and yet their work is far more impressive than our own. They were highly intelligent and in tune people.

Maybe because they existed on a different frequency?

They were capable of different things because they were not bound to limits as we are?

Perhaps that is why these people left no trace of themselves on this physical plain of Earth we exist in?

There are people who claim to be in tune with spirits or ghosts and those who are able to read minds, predict the future or even have telekinetic abilities….perhaps these people are in tune with other frequencies too?

They can focus in on other plains of living?

Those who believe that this ‘shift in thinking’ will occur are preparing, most think that the only way to penetrate our current wave length is via ‘raising their vibrations’ mostly through meditation, chakra work and through generally sending out positive vibes. They think they can then move up and into the next dimension which is why we dream in the first place, to get us familiar with an entire lifestyle in that dimension.

Some will ascend naturally, others will not at all. It is meant to be a gradual shift for all mankind into a new way of being.

A positive way. (Which personally I support!)

They think that once ascended the portion of our brain which currently lay dormant will become a buzz with activity, our DNA which is only partially active will become fully activated, they think that in this new dimension time and space will have no meaning.

It will be a place where things that can be dreamt of can become a reality. It is a place where we realise our capabilities and are not fearful of them. A place where our limitless pit of love and kindness and generosity toward others will be realised.

Personally, if anything happens on the 21.12.12 I wouldn’t mind any of the preceding were to occur, so I’m planning on raising my positive, loving vibes further and if nothing happens well shucks….

I almost thought I lived there already.

Take care.

Happy ascending.

Growing Pains.

Realising that my little kiddies are no longer all that little is a tad weird.

They’re all so different and unique and I can’t really say that any of my children are alike, they all have different ideas and different perspectives and they all have different styles and tastes.

Sometimes good, they think and act for themselves alone. Sometimes bad, one meal is never ever liked by everyone sitting at our table.

Gives me a good excuse to have a diverse range of interests!

Bella turned 11 september just gone but I feel like I have an undergrown teen on my hands. She’s got a real big thing for boys. Ergh. She’s taken up soccer and handball and guitar I’m pretty sure all because of a boy. I guess I can’t complain about her learning new skills regardless of the motivation.

For Movember, last friday they went to school in mufti and wore mustaches and gave donations to support the cause. I swore at the bus stop that morning, that I had watched my little 11 year-old girl hop onto the bus wearing an eyeliner mo. When she got off that afternoon I was a bit shocked. Her moustache was gone however she did replace it with bright red lipstick and dark mascara.

She did look a bit more grown up than I care to admit.

She also was telling me all about ‘Dean.’

“He’s just sooo dreamy. And he is so funny. He’s just so cute mum!” She gushed. (This isn’t the first time I’ve heard about dreamy boys either!)

I kept driving, saying the odd, “oh that’s nice” nodding as if I didn’t really think it was a big deal. In my head I was thinking “seriously? really?….no……what the?!”

She spent the weekend drawing in her art book, later revealing that just about every page contained love hearts and arrows and the word DEAN pounced from every page.

Glen told her to stop, that it was weird and she should think about something else. I agreed but wouldn’t have made out like she was in pre-fatal attraction mode.

Maybe she is?…

Glen and I then got onto the topic of crushes….I think I probably obsessed over cute boys at some stage or another, but I’m not sure I would have put it down in SO MANY words and I know for sure I’d never have sat and poured my heart out to my mum.

I asked Glen if he’d had crushes and he said that he did, but he’d never told them. He’d kept it to himself. Probably the same way I had.

I suggested we be gentle about the whole topic with her, I mean it’s highly likely that this ‘dreamy’ young Dean may totally and utterly break her delicate heart so there is no need for us to step in and do it for her.

Monday she got off the bus with lipstick again, I asked her to perhaps borrow lighter shades from her friends, reminded her that she has many, many years to wear make-up and impress boys and that perhaps school should be a place to learn and concentrate. She also had green fluro texta all over her arms and face.

Love hearts and ‘Dean.’

Of course.

Tuesday she got off the bus all blushing. Dean had hugged her and given her his hat!

Man, it’s getting a touch too serious for me.

Should I call the school and ask them to stick them under surveillance?

I do know that she’s really happy.

So that’s good right?

He apparently has also asked her on a date. I asked her where he was thinking he’d take her, how and why and with what money would he be paying for this date with. I mean we kind of live far out-of-town, is he going to turn up on his BMX?…..take her to maccas for a happy meal, pay for it with his lawn mowing cash???….

Dates, for my 11-year-old means going to one another’s house to watch a movie, perhaps mum or dad could provide popcorn.

I said no.

I mean I had to fight black and blue with my parents to allow me to go to a boys house and that was when I was 15, and I was only allowed during daylight hours….That bit never did make sense to me….

It made them feel safer.

So I imagined the ripple effect of saying yes to a date at 11. She’d immediately think that boys were welcome in our house from that moment on and by the time she was 13 she’d be breast-feeding triplets!

Maybe not…..

But she’s certainly a lover…and a feisty fighter…..ergh. Boys!

At least she’s super eager to head to school each day, I just wonder what it will be like when they decide that they don’t like each other…

They got married in the school yard the other day so maybe it will last….maybe they’ll be primary school sweet hearts?…

Maybe I should meet his mum?

If this is what 11 is like….what’s 15 going to be like?


Anyway….Sophie will be 6 in January coming. It’s crazy, she’s my cuddle baby. Even though she’s quite bossy, constantly telling everyone else what to do….sometimes she makes me feel slack, delegating tasks and telling the others what needs to be done.

When she’s not playing mum she’s usually quite happy to do her own thing. She loves being out in the bush, I thought she’d have a bit of a rough time when we moved. I mean she’s a self-declared princess. It is the only answer she gives when you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up “I think I’ll just be a princess.” She’s always got bruises up and down her shins, her feet are almost as tough as mine, she doesn’t complain about getting roughed up while riding her bike and falling off, or a stick scratching her on bush walks.

I thought she’d be too ‘girly’ and ‘delicate’ but I was wrong and I should listen to my own advice and not assume….

I guess she’s a little like me….A girl living in the bush and I don’t own a single pair of pants!

She found some lavender in the garden which I thought was very clever of her. She remembered the smell, if not the name of the plant. I’ve always taken them to the herb area of botanical gardens, pick leaves and bits and pieces of plants I recognise to let them have a smell.

Last week we found a sensory garden where we took home some rosemary, chamomile, lemon grass and thyme to dry and use in the kitchen. Sophie found the lavender all on her own in our overgrown garden. I gave her some little organza pouches and she took her basket and sat for ages, picking little stalks and flowers and making sleepy bags for everyone.

She took them and put them on our pillows.

She loves our baby chicks, she sits with them in the chook house which is finally built. She just puts on her lap and talks to Rosie our bunny or to Chuck the duck.

She’s helped me nurse Ollie, Uncle Matt’s dog back to health. 12 days ago I found 4 paralysis ticks on him after he became wobbly in his back legs. I thought he was gone for sure.

I was devastated.

The next day he was totally immobile.

The next foggy morning I sat with him in the wee hours crying and stroking his head thinking that any minute he’d take his last breath.

Only he just didn’t.

He kept fighting to suck in his next breath. I had to force water and small amounts of food into him, I got up to him every couple of hours during the night, after 4 days and still going, even though he’d lost all muscle control I knew he’d make it.

Each morning Sophie would be up joining me to try to give him water and a bit of food, patting him and talking to him. She’d make him get a bit of a tail wag happening.

Anyway…now finally after being more demanding, messy and time-consuming than a newborn he has gotten better, still a little weak but getting stronger and I’m 100% positive that he’ll be immune from further tick bites for at least the rest of this season.

I can’t get over how tough Ollie is, there was a lot of poison coursing through his body. I know Sophie has been a big part of his recovery. Her mummy-ness and soft nature always brightens anyones mood.

She’s so happy he’s better.

So am I!

Violet is going to begin school next year. I had thought about keeping her home instead of sending her. She’s 5 in April so it’s been a bit of a tough choice. She’s spent two days a week of this last term in pre-schooling and loves it. She’s a totally different kid in pre-school. Mature and clear with her needs and wants. communicates well with her friends and the teachers, mature, responsible……all of which I wouldn’t really describe her as myself.

Personally my choice of words would something like whiney, clumsy and loud.

If anyone is going to get hurt, it will be Violet. If something doesn’t go right immediately, she has a massive sook. If you hear a high-pitched, ear piercing squeal. Yep, it’s Violet.

She’s a great little girl, fun and bouncy always happy to play any game you can imagine. I can picture her as a little blonde babe hanging out at the beach, sun baking or doing some other care-free irresponsible thing….She too worries me when it comes to boys, she is naturally drawn to them. Her best friend in our last town was an adorable little red-head named Jake and now her new bestie is also a boy. Being only 4 I know it’s not a ‘love’ thing she’s just a little more rough and tumble than most girls.

She likes the action.

I was worried that she wasn’t ready for school. I worried that if she couldn’t work something out, tears would pour forth, or if she couldn’t fix her school shoes or if she couldn’t un-wrap her lunch there’d be squealing and sooking non-stop.

Apparently none of this goes on at school.

Well that’s a little annoying.

She’s spent 3 weeks doing orientation with her kinder teacher for next year and she also agrees that Violet is well and truly ready.

Hmm…ok, she goes.

I think my only worry now that I’ve decided to send her is that she’ll share a class and teacher with Sophie for the next 2 years.

I wonder if they will fight and argue the way they do at home. I wonder if Sophie will try to get all mummy on her and follow her around ‘helping’ and not allowing her to learn and try for herself. I wonder if they’ll be able to share friends. Or at least stay out of each others way.

I guess there’s not all that much longer until my wonders are truths.

Molly, she’s so beautiful. Such a pretty little angel, the way her hair is so ashy blonde it always looks aglow. Tiny little ringlets bouncing at the ends. Big blue eyes with that interesting slanty thing she was lucky enough to inherit from her nanny. Puffy red lips. Oh my…we’ll have trouble with that little lady. She’s totally sassy, and feisty but so angelic all the while.

She dropped out of pre-school a few months back. I think she went a total of 4 days and decided she didn’t want to go. It was totally fine with me, the only reason I’d sent her is because I thought she’d feel left out if Violet went and she wasn’t allowed.

She went, had fun, decided not to go anymore so that’s that. I’m glad actually. I was so lost with only Buddy at home, I mean we had fun and got so much more time together, but I constantly felt like something was missing or that I’d forgotten something.

I was on edge.


She loves to sleep with me when dad is away for work. She refuses to sleep anywhere else, and I couldn’t be bothered fighting too hard. She’s so small anyway and the bed is so big and empty when Glen’s gone…but yet as soon as dad is home she knows she’s to in her bed.

Doesn’t even question it.

She loves to talk to dad on the phone. She’s developed a cute and funny habit too. When we’d skype with Glen during our 6 weeks apart, he’d be sitting on the steps of our old house after a long hot day shirtless, but on the screen you could only see his top half. Molly would demand that he show her his pants ‘to make sure you’re not naked.’

So now when he calls she pesters me so much I cannot even hear Glen until I finally put her on the phone to him.

If I let her talk first I’m promised at least 5 minutes chat time myself.

“Hello daddy, I’m talking to you. *giggle* Are you naked?”

It’s the cute little voice she says it with that makes it all the more sweet and innocent.

Two things which never last all that long.

And little Buddy.

Oh Buddy, where do I start? He’s getting closer and closer to 2 years old! My special man. I could just squish him, he’s just the love of my life. I can’t say I love him more than my beautiful ladies but I can say I love him differently.

With my girls I feel like they are a part of me.

With Buddy I feel like he isn’t….how can I describe it?

I don’t know; I just never thought I’d have a boy, so I appreciate him just a little more.

Everything about him makes me happy. He has a full mouth of teeth now so when he smiles his cheeky grin it’s all so toothy and grown up. His massive blue eyes are so smiley.

Even when he cries he makes me happy.

I just get this heart swell that makes me want to make him smile again.

His hair is getting longer and a little curly on the ends. Glen told me he won’t be having long hair, but the longer it gets the more it suits him and Glen hasn’t once suggested a hair cut…so I think I may get away with it.

He just is so care-free, and so gentle. He isn’t demanding or impatient. His tubby manly hands and thick fat feet, his mini man stature just makes me proud.

I feel that he’ll be a very good man some day.

No doubt along the way he’ll stress me out, worry me and probably make me cry like they all do and will….

That’s all a part of it.

I’m just so happy and proud of where all my babies are at right now. I can’t imagine life without them, each are their own person and it’s nice to watch each of their personalities develop, not every quality they have is a positive one but I am positive that they’ll learn and grow and change further.

Even their tougher more difficult traits I can see as great adult characteristics.

I wish they’d stop growing so quickly.

Well I’m off….

How are your babies doing?

World’s End. Again?!

Well considering the world is going to end…yet again…possibly…maybe….I thought I’d do a post on the really important things that must be done before said predicted catastrophic event occurs.


Plus post some pictures in memory of life so far….


First of all one must sit down and work out for themselves what really, really, really is important to them. Just don’t sit for too long. Seriously the world’s going to end, don’t waste time on over thinking.

Just pondering will be sufficient.


For me personally, I did think…I mean ponder…no I really did over think it, like everything else…but, as Buddy and I sat intently watching out our window during a very odd storm yesterday I wondered if the world really would end.

Perhaps this strange storm was the begining of the end?


As I listened with excitement to the continual grumble of an angry sky I decided that yes, the world would end. I don’t think it will end on a specific pre-determined date but I do think it will come to a point where it decides to quit on us, basically because we’re stupid and self-destructive, we not only kill each other but also the only place in the universe that can support us.


We’re not yet smart enough to colonise Mars…so we’d better hurry up I suggest!

So should the world end, would we or I be content with how our lives stand right this moment?



I have not yet earned a million dollars…but what would I do with it in those last few seconds of life, assuming I’d have a brief warning of imminent death of course?

I have not yet climbed Mount Everest…..but I have overcome many difficult hurdles in my life…..

I have not yet tasted the most delicious food in the world….but…flavour only lasts a few moments….



I do feel that those who matter too me know it.

I do feel that my parenting as it stands is not something I would regret.

I do feel content within myself, I feel no need or want for anything.

I do feel I am a good person.


So if the Mayans have predicted the end of the world and not just randomly chosen some unforeseeable future date, a date for them, at that time, seemed to be a undreamable futuristic place where not even their great, great, great, great, great-grandchildren would exist….

Then…..what would you want to do? What would you want to achieve before this day comes?


Some people go mad, quit their jobs, run naked through the streets, have tantric sex for days on end…..

But then almost sadly….that moment they’ve all been waiting for does not arrive….now what?….Life returns to normal.

Well that sucks!


It would be kind of fun to live a life like there is no tomorrow.

No need for things, no worry about others thoughts, no activity not worth participating in, every opportunity pounced upon.


No time for hate or envy.

Funny how a life with a predicted end could be so much more satisfying than one with an undetermined finishing place.


A long boring life……or a short awesome one?


Weird how that works.

Well I think I’m going to start today and live a life with a predicted ending (because technically, it does have an ending.)


  • I’ll make sure those I love and care about know it. Not just through words but also through my actions.
  • I’ll make sure I take advantage of every opportunity and not put things off until tomorrow, who knows, tomorrow I could be running from zombies thinking ‘damnit, I should have went for that coffee date!’
  • I’ll make sure that should life end, my kids know that their mum is always here for them, the mopping or dishes are not more important than playing a game with them or reading a book.
  • I’ll make sure I am at peace with things I could consider ‘regrets.’ All things have created this present me and I cannot/do not feel bad about who I am.
  • I’ll make sure that people and relationships have WAY more value than objects.
  • I’ll make sure I do not spend my last few moments worrying about my hair, my weight, my appearance. I mean I’ll probably look more attractive un-dead anyway.
  • I’ll laugh HEAPS!


So assuming these incredibly intelligent, yet primitive people are correct, life should cease this December…(well I hope not before christmas eve…I seriously LOVE that day….)But should they be right and not just unable to comprehend the idea of putting an infinate-ness on their calanders….I mean that would be a difficult diagram to draw, would it not?……SONY DSCSONY DSCwell…I wish you a happy ending.

I wish you the best for the rest of your life, I wish you happiness, love and joy.


My life will from today until the end be a joyous one, I’m chosing to invest in the invisible thing called happiness and not in physical things.


Who knows….

life could end…now!


Or even now?…..


So let’s all just fill up whatever is left with lots of love.

How will you spend your days prior to the end of the world?…..

Doing super cool stuff I hope!
