Monthly Archives: July 2011

Skinny Sunday 1

So what is Skinny Sunday?

Glen and Cristie are using it to share their progress on their health and weight management. Using Skinny Sunday to keep track of goals achieved or not. They will weigh in and post photos to document their progress each Sunday. Any one wanting some encouragement to lose weight or get into shape is more than welcome to join them!


What are you hoping to achieve with Skinny Sunday?

Glen says: “Get buff.” “And tank.” Cristie says: “I want to wear all my cute clothes again and feel lighter and healthier.”

What are your weight goals?

Glen says: “To gain weight and get into the 90’s, around 95kgs. I don’t want to be a fat 95. An in shape 95.” Cristie says: “I’d like to get back down into the 70’s. I won’t go lower than 70kgs. I like being ‘soft’.”

What changes are you going to make?

Glen says: “Start working out. Get some protein drinks and stuff. Eat healthier food.” Cristie says: “Eat lots of fruit, veg, nuts and lean meat mostly chicken. Start doing some exercises like sit ups and push ups. Start running again, well work up to it. Just be healthier and say no to bad food.”



                                                 Glen                                                                       Cristie

Weight                                    77 kg                                                                      95 kg


Photo Shoot

Glen says: “Photos are photos anyway you look at them and I still don’t really like having them taken.” Cristie says: “I thought I would be ok with it. It was my idea after all and I thought I would like the photos. I had a complete freeze when it was my turn to get pictures taken, I’m not sure if it was Glen who put me off or whether I just got cold feet. I had a few tears which sucked because I thought I was confident enough to do this. I mean I have spilled some pretty deep things from the inside on my blog, but this is different. I’m just glad I can say that I won’t be this big for much longer, if anything I am now even more determined to meet my goals.”

(Behind the scene photos?!/pages/Yager-Babies/196004863777995 see them here.)

What do you think of your photos?

Glen says: “I don’t like any photos of myself. Even these ones.” Cristie says: I don’t mind them but I really don’t want to have any more taken of me at this size. It’s not that I don’t like my body, it’s given me 5 beautiful babies after all! I’d like it to be smaller, well maybe just my thighs! I like it way better with clothes on it!

What do you think of each others photos?

Glen says: I love these and all photos of Cristie. Even though these ones took ages to get, I like them and I love Cristie xoxox” (aww see why I married him?……cause he’s a suck up!) Cristie says: When Glen and I met he had a 6 pack, it slowly started to disappear, but not once has it worried me, I prefer him softer! It shows me that I’m feeding him well! I think he’s hot!

What do you hope to achieve by next Sunday?

Glen: “I hope to be in the 80’s. Eat more, but healthy foods.”Cristie: “I hope to lose a minimum of  1 kg. I plan to make sure I drink a minimum of 1 litre of water per day and I hope to use the treadmill for a minimum of 4 hours this week.”


Cristie says:

I’m setting my goals to the least I think is possible for me to achieve. I don’t want to set unrealistic goals like ‘lose 10kg.’ And be let down and make me lose motivation. Ultimately I plan to lose 25kg but for now any loss is good, and as long as I am eating right I know I am getting healthier everyday and setting good examples for my kids.

I think Glen will have a hard time gaining his weight (plus he isn’t much taller than me and wants to be my 95kg! Of muscle! I don’t know if that is possible.) I don’t think he will gain the 3kg by next Sunday but then again only a few weeks ago he was around 83kg and he dropped that…somehow…..So maybe he can gain it. I will feed him more food yet healthy food and encourage him to work out more.

Glen says:

I want to gain the weight so I feel more confidant. And I want people to look at me and not want to take me on. Or rip me off. And to help out with my physical job.

I think Cristie will double her goal by the end of the week, unlike Cristie saying I cannot achieve my goals I encourage her and think she will surprise herself. (yeah, yeah)



When I went shopping this week I did not buy anything unhealthy. I didn’t buy butter as we’re going to get weaned off it, I bought skim-milk for myself and whole milk for the kids and Glen. I bought lots of fruit and dried fruits, I got nuts and low-fat crackers to snack on. I’ve got lean chicken and not as much so that we all can have smaller portions. I plan to make our dinner plates (which I am trading for a smaller plate) consist of 3/4 veg and 1/4 meat. Stir-frys, salads and home-made soups. Snacks will consist of fruit and nuts, breakfasts are wholemeal or whole grain toast or porridge or weetbix. Lunches are salads or salad wraps. We’re allowing ourselves a ‘free’ day every second Friday. I plan to have some chocolate that day! And we’ll have sub-way as our treat dinner. (we actually really love sub-way, so it is a ‘healthy’ treat)

I have planned tasty (cause I LOVE flavour!) yet healthy meals that Glen and I and the kids will all like. I have made small changes like sweet potato instead of potatoes. When I feel like I need something sweet I’ll have some sultanas. The kids love banana chips and dried apricots so when they ask for a ‘surprise’ which used to be a lolly or chocolate I’ll hand those out instead! They won’t mind as they like them so much.

 I will post recipes that we all like for you to try. (if my fussy kids like then your family will surely love it!)

Wish us luck!

(Hope the pics didn’t scare you! Hopefully you will see us morph over the coming months!)

Nan and Pop’s House.

Nan and Pop’s house.

Words that I’d use to describe it?

Cosy, comforting, charming and warm.

It is the best place in the world.

Situated in the very beautiful and historic town of Bellingen, which is known for its hippies. (Its true!) To me ‘hippy’ means free and loving, respectful of everything living and caring. It is the perfect place for a house like Nan and Pop’s.

It has such an easy peaceful feel about it.

Just like Nan.

This is Evril Maud at 16 years old. So pretty!

She will be 89 on the first of september.

A lovely spring baby (just like me) And a virgo too! (just like me)


One night at Nan and Pop’s house we all sat, lots and lots of us, in their lounge room. Lots of cushy lounges all in an old school floral pattern and not all matching. Mis-matched seating was brought in from other rooms, younger ones sat on the floor. The wood fire was burning away. There was lots of chatter, laughter and just stuff going on. Not everyone was doing the same thing. The younger girls were using their mobiles and iPods, uncles and dad’s trying to play a game on the Playstation while aunts egged them on. Others read or just watched.

Such a busy yet relaxing place.

Food is always handy and it’s always home-made.

Its home-made and its given with love.

Looking around everyone is so different. Everyone is accepted. We’re all family here. It’s so comforting.

While I sat snuggle to one of the many random cushions, listening to a beautiful english accent of my new sister-in-law (by marriage) I caught some words said from further across the room….

“Look at what you’ve created Mum.”

Aunty Lyn sat on the coffee table, not really talking to anyone specifically as Nan didn’t hear it. Just putting it out there. The fact that this one amazing woman began it all. Right down to the little boy who was still in my belly at the time.

If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t now have the father in law, who is my husbands dad, who is my baby’s father.

All those people in that room, blood related or not were brought together by Nan.

And Nan loves them all.

Time slowed for a moment as I let the impact of Aunty Lyn’s words sink in. I looked around thinking of the differences and connections between us all, one nodding off in a corner, another putting a baby to sleep, some chatting and giggling over a glass of wine. I felt a warm glow knowing that I was a part of it. Even if I wasn’t doing anything, just being here meant I was.

 I looked at Nan. Such an amazing woman. If ever I need inspiration I will look to her! She’s full of life and energy, she’s always on the go.

She always smiles.

Mother of 4, but it’s not that simple, she is a GREAT mother of 4, a devoted wife, for the past 71 years as of the 6th of September, that is forever! She loved and looked after Pop until he was sadly put into a nursing home last year at the age of 101. He turned 102 in June, we were there for his awesome achievement! (Get this man a blog already! What awesome stuff he would be able to share.)

Nan visits him everyday.

She is an artist, and she’s a great cook. She is the head of a wonderful, loving group of people and I think a lot of them are inspired by her too.

She has so much energy!

On the floor with the little kids not watching. Throwing ball with them in the house rather than kicking them out.


Happiness is what matters, not things.

She seems to shine wisdom and acceptance to those who deserve.

I hope to learn a lot from her and only wish we lived closer so I could scrounge through her recipes and look over old photo albums with her for hours on end.

She may even share some painting tips?

Nan and Pop don’t have a house.

 They have a home and you know what? I never knew what that was until I’d been to Nan’s house.

You can just see and feel the spirit of memories made in that house, everywhere you look. When you’re in it with the random mis-matched family of young and old all coming together you can witness more being created by the minute.

 This home is filled with love.

 With family.

Such an unconditional, non-judgmental place.

No concern over a crumb falling to the floor, little ones always have a set of eyes on them, play ball……….inside?!

You need something? Just ask.

This isn’t a house where people reside. It isn’t just a roof over their heads. It’s like a communal gathering place where people feel comforted by just being there. It’s restful to be in that home. My soul feels calmer, I can be myself without even thinking about it, it just happens.

It may sounds strange but it kind of feels like a not for profit animal shelter. Taking in wounded souls, making them feel whole again. For no reason other than to be kind.

I hope one day Glen and I can create our own home, wherever it may be. A place I can run back and forth from the kitchen to get a loved one something delicious I have home-made for them to eat. Or serve tea and coffe and cake to anyone who wants it. A place I can sit back and just watch. Watch all the people who have come together because of me or not, but to be able to be a part of something greater than myself a network of love that has ultimately spawned from Nan and Pop, that I can call my own.

There is magic and beauty in that house.

It has a life of its own, I thought perhaps it was Nan who filled it that way, but when I think about it……….

No, when I’m IN IT and FEEL it……………..

It’s love, been leaked out of the pores of anyone who has ever stepped foot inside and felt welcome, anyone who has ever felt a glow from the acceptance, anyone who has felt like they didn’t belong until they were in that home with that family.

That house is soaked in it.

I think Nan draws her energry, her love from whats given back.

Nan and Pop created a house that is now its own thing, greater than us all.

A place of family.

It has its own soul.

It has taken since 1952 to get it that way and that is how it will stay.

Words that I’d use to describe it?

Cosy, comforting, charming and warm.

It is the best place in the world.


Cherish your family, love your life, be a part of everything and enjoy it.

What’s on your mind?

You’ve been asked this question a million times.

It’s whats written in the status bar on your Facebook.

If your anything like me, firstly you either NEVER have enough space to fully express ‘what’s on my mind’ or secondly, it makes me ponder so deeply that I waste a lot of time trying to decipher ‘what’s on my mind’ and don’t end up writing anything due to not wanting to be too deep and meaningful.

So what’s on my mind right now?

Well, it’s so cold, my feet a frozen and my feet NEVER freeze. I’m wondering where I’ll find the time to do the numerous domestic chores I have planned, and hoping that the feeling of ‘where do I start?’ doesn’t interfere with me being motivated and just DOING it.

I’m beginning to think that Buddy has worked out his ‘plan’ to take over my life. And it’s working! Let’s just say if you are what you eat, then he is one mega boob!

He’s not hungry, he just knows he can be carried around and literally attached to my body if he does the head shake accompanied with a cute face and sucking.

He’s getting fat! He’s not starving like he’s making out.

Molly, well I was wondering why her hands were as cold as ice bricks this morning, so cold they were RED! I put a couple of jumpers on her and socks. Poor dear she’s frozen, only to find that half of my strawberry jelly had been attacked this morning.

Caught red AND cold handed!

Sophie’s getting to be a bit sooky of late. Running crying to me for a cuddle over silly things like ‘my sister’s just left me!’ ….downstairs. Reasonable?

Violet, she’s just being Violet, the adorable non-listening, destined to be a cheerleader little Violet. She gets so distracted, even when she’s putting knickers on. You wouldn’t believe how many injuries she has acquired just from trying to balance on one leg trying to get the other one into her undies while watching tv, or talking and next thing she’s on the floor squealing bare bummed!

Bella, well she is cranky at me AGAIN, because I didn’t put her hair in a ‘high enough’ pony tail for school this morning.

(What’s on my mind?!’ I WANT TO SHAVE THEIR HEADS! Little girls and hair, I’m getting over the hating involved! They’ll divorce me when their old enough. Just because I brushed their hair!)

Glen’s all good except that he is sick. And tired. And stressed. And annoyed. And…well I’m sure there is more. I can honestly say that he is lucky he can complain so much and STILL be cute. (I know what your thinking, give it time, give it time…) Hey I have 5 kids! I can block anything out!!!

What’s on my mind?

Well the fleeting thought that I mentioned a moment ago that I have ‘numerous domestic chores’ popped back into my mind, and yes I am still sitting here typing away. I’m liking that my girls are happy for now and my breasts don’t have an adorable growth for the moment. (Yes, I was explaining myself…to myself really, I feel guilty doing anything that is slightly cristie orientated while my kids are awake! Especially when my house is not clean, there is washing to wash and dishes to clean. Tell you the truth? I’m still in pj’s!)

I’m thinking I’ll call my friend today, that’s if our phone is working, Glen did something to it last night. It was an accident, but the phone is my only contact with the outside world. What will I do?! I briefly thought about mentioning something like that to him last night, but it was not done on purpose….as far as I know!


Ok, well that ‘numerous domestic chores’ thought is starting to REALLY push through to become the ‘only thing on my mind.’ So I guess I must go act on my strong impulses.

Have a beautiful day!

So what’s on YOUR mind?

Skinny Sunday

So this is it.

No more excuses. (I had an excuse which is why I didn’t actually post this on a Sunday, I chickened out thinking I was ‘too busy’ right now, which is true, but I will always be busy if I don’t stuck  it up and just do it!)

 I’m buying a set of scales this week, getting back on the treadmill and working out what I’ll be eating.

Next Sunday I’ll have shameful photos and I’ll post my weight ew.

Tell you the truth I really don’t want to know! I got up OVER 100kgs while pregnant with Buddy (I’ve been 99kgs when pregnant with Violet, but never have I been over 100kgs) I lost a total of 10kgs after I gave birth to Buddy, but I am certain I put it back on, maybe some extra while being at home and cooking big tasty dinners for my family, eating all the delicious things I have missed while living in Blackwater.

I am determined to regain my 70kgs, well not GAIN 70kgs, but get back down to 70kgs. It’s a nice weight for me, I like my shape, I’d just like a smaller version of it!

I’m excited and worried all in one, what if it takes forever? What if I can’t resist delicious food. Oh how I love delicious food.

Every second Friday is our family ‘junk food’ night so I’ll let myself have that day to binge..oh I mean ‘indulge within reason’

I need to keep thinking of all the energy I’ll have, all the cute clothes I have packed away saved for when I finally got back down to the weight I wanted to be, so that I can actually WEAR them, I won’t wobble as much and I may get my thigh gap back! Remember having a thigh gap like those cute girls in bikini’s on the beach?

Yeah me neither!!!

But I WILL get a thigh gap and I WILL wear my smaller, old, musty and probably moth-eaten clothes again.


Wish me luck.


(Join me?! ‘like’ Yager Babies on Facebook to keep updated daily. A hand to hold along the way may be what I need!)

The last week.

After everything we’d been through with Buddy. I was on top of the world. Nothing will ever seem as bad anymore. The stress of little things will no longer waste my time. I know what’s important and that’s why we went home.

To have Buddy.

To get married.

To be with the people we love and people who love us back.

The old saying goes you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family.

I totally disagree.

If you love someone unconditionally and they offer you the same…

then that’s family.

Love it!!!

Holiday from hell ~ Week 3/4 Whooping-Cough

Week 3 was quite nice. We actually had a chance to do some of the things we wanted to do while on holidays. We took the girls to the new big park in town, it was so cool. We did some shopping, visited family and went to the pet porpoise pool.

We all had fun despite our ‘flu’ the girls were all snotty and rugged up but they didn’t care. Mid week Buddy finally started to get a runny nose. I knew it would happen. We have a big family, the moment someone has something, it doesn’t leave until we’ve all had it. My poor baby .I didn’t worry too much. I’d already taken my girls to the doctor before Buddy was born, I was paranoid about whooping-cough as it was apparently ‘going around’ at the time and I knew it can be very dangerous to newborns, even deadly. But the doctor said not to worry, all my girls were immunised so it wouldn’t be whooping-cough, he prescribed antibiotics. Glen went back the next day to get the free booster as it was recommended, and I got the shot the day after Buddy was born.

I kept his fluids up making sure he fed regularly. Finally one night he had a little cough. Glen and I looked at each other and thought poor kid. Not even two weeks old and sick. He began sleeping longer and longer and I had to try to wake him for a feed. Then Friday night he had a good big feed and I thought finally he’s getting a little better. Only he threw it all back up. 3am I woke him for a feed, he wasn’t very enthusiastic about it so I let him go back to sleep.

7am Saturday morning I got him to have another good feed. He threw it all up too. I’d had enough. I told Glen I was taking him to the hospital to get checked out. We were meant to be heading out to Bellingen for lunch as it was my new Father-in-laws birthday so I left early thinking I’d be back in time for us to head off.

Only when I got there, Buddy and I all of a sudden got caught up in a whirlwind.


*The following is bits and pieces I wrote while in hospital with Buddy, I began a diary on the 7th, 5 days after he was admitted, as I needed an outlet. I had no idea when it would end, if ever.*

This is difficult for me to write as I am so drained, exhausted, confused and simply lost. I have so many mixed emotions right now its hard to think straight.

I want to write about Buddy’s condition and how it got to this point, how I feel and what I think about it all.

So Buddy has whooping-cough. How did he get it? presumably from his sisters. Bella developed a cough a few weeks before we were due to leave Blackwater. I assumed it was her asthma which plays up around this time of year so we began to give her a puff of her preventative puffer morning and night when it didn’t help we checked it out and realised it was out of date. Only the week before we were due to leave Violet and Molly had temperatures and were snotty. Molly began to cough. I thought perhaps it was a cold. The weekend we arrived in Coffs Harbour, Violet began coughing.

I was well aware of whooping-cough being around, I’d been told by the nurses who immunised Molly in QLD. I also knew it was big in NSW as I’d seen al the signs and information flyers in the hospital when I arrived for ante-natal appointments. So I booked us all in to see the doctor.

I specifically asked the doctor about whooping-cough. I told him I was worried about it as I was only a week and a half away from having Buddy. He told me that because all my girls were fully immunised that they would ‘protect our household’ and stop it from affecting us. He the prescribed Bella a new preventive puffer and antibiotics for all the girls besides Sophie. Molly actually had a coughing fit in his office. So when we left the doctor I was left feeling confident that it was not whooping-cough and I was just paranoid.

He’d seen it for himself.

After making Glen an appointment to come back the following day to get the free vaccine we went directly to the chemist. $100 later we were all stocked up with our antibiotics, Bella’s puffer and some kids cough soothers.

Now I am not one for unnecessary medication. Bella is the only one of my kids who’s had antibiotics before and she was 2 and it was for an inner ear infection, but I felt for the safety of my newborn that we were going to make sure we did what ever was possible to get better soon so as not to put Buddy at risk.

As the week progressed and their medicine bottles grew emptier and emptier and they were not improving one bit I began to worry again. Glen and I watched kids on YouTube having coughing fits like our girls did.

That was it, I was going back to the doctor.

The next morning my sister arrived and said that her doctor had told her it was a virus and that’s why the antibiotics weren’t working. Made sense to me. Plus the doctor did after all witness one of Molly’s cough. I was annoyed that my girls had taken unneeded antibiotics though.

So my baby didn’t want to wait and came a little early.

I was such a proud and happy mum.

Full of love and joy, finally my boy was here in my arms and I was finally married to my best friend. I got my whooping-cough shot the day after Buddy was born.

All was good for the first week, he was such a happy, hungry little guy, he practically fed non stop and my milk took a little longer to come in but I knew when it did it would be dramatic. Finally it came and I was happy to have him feeding so regularly to ease the pressure, but finally one night he had a little cough. Poor kid. It was bound to happen. His whole family was unwell, so were most of our visitors as ‘something’ was going around.

His cough worried me most at night. A couple of times he’d cough and then take a moment or two before he drew his next breath. It was scary watching my tiny baby struggle to breathe. I spent nights awake with him just to make sure he kept sucking in air. One night I was so tired I was afraid I’d fall asleep and miss him stop breathing so I got up at 1.30am took him downstairs and propped him in his rocker so I could keep and eye on him. I made a coffee and began to clean and mop the floor so I wouldn’t fall asleep.

Finally when he wouldn’t keep down his feeds I decided to go to hospital. This was not an ordinary cold.

I was stressed, exhausted, worried and no longer knew what to do for my precious baby.

We got in almost immediately as the pregnant lady behind the desk said a hospital emergency room was no place for a 13 day old baby and I totally agreed. She weighed him, 3.7kgs. This is where I began to worry, he was roughly 4kgs at birth, its normal to lose a little, but not that much and he should have gained the amount he’d lost back by now.

Finally a male nurse came over to see us. As I explained his laziness, his cough and his lack of feeding, tears finally spilled. ‘I’m just so worried about him.’ He told me Buddy looked relaxed and peaceful in my arms and if he thought something was wrong he’d be rushing around. Finally he got some equipment together to measure Buddy’s oxygen saturation. It was sitting around 80. He was struggling with it due to Buddy being so small he thought he wasn’t getting a proper reading. Shift change over another male nurse came to check him out. He put an oxygen mask over his tiny face and immediately his numbers jumped up into the high 90’s and finally 100.

At this point I was thinking ‘Oxygen masks? Is it really that bad?’

I was just too afraid to ask, I don’t think I really wanted to know. The nurse did mention that because he reacted to the oxygen then it wasn’t his heart.

Well thank god.

At this stage he had a probe strapped to his foot to measure oxygen saturation and I was holding the mask over his little face. I cried as they finally decided to attach tubes to his perfect face with little prongs up his nose so he could have a constant supply of oxygen. (7 days later and I still later and I still have not seen his adorable face without them)

I cried again as he screamed while they forced tubes into his nostrils to suction out the mucus. (I’m used to it now and cannot count how many times I’ve watched my baby scream over it.)

I was on the verge of hysterics as they held down his tiny little body and inserted an inch long needle into his half-inch hand so he could be hooked up to an iv drip. He screamed so horribly, my heart was breaking. I’d never heard him like that before. He was so peaceful even before he got sick. I wanted to push them all away from my son and tear off all the cords and tubes  and needles and take him home. I seriously began wishing I’d never come, even if it was what was best. I brought him here to be helped not tortured. I was given the option of staying or leaving. I wanted to leave, I didn’t want him looking at me as I allowed them to hurt him. but I didn’t want to leave him on his own with these people either.

So I stood there facing the wall, sobbing and crying my heart out.

What have I done to my baby?

I had no clue what was going on, or why he needed any of these things done to him.

As soon as they gave him to me I had no intentions of letting him go again. He was admitted to hospital and placed in the nursery in the children’s ward. I just held him, mindful of the cords and tubes, I was scared as we sat cuddled together in the dark quiet nursery. I had no idea what was happening. I thought I’d be in hospital for a couple of hours with Buddy but now he was admitted and it was past four, I had only sent Glen a quick message and he had no clue what was going on either.

When Buddy was sleeping happily I asked one of the nurses to watch him so I could go to the toilet and call Glen.

I bawled my eyes out on the phone to Glen. I don’t know what he thought. I’m not a crier, I am far from strong and brave but I sure can act it in the hardest of situations, but this was devastating.

I couldn’t hold it together.

Later that afternoon the nurses pulled out the sofa bed for me as they could see how emotional and physically drained I was and tried to get me to sleep. I couldn’t. I lay there listening to them chatter. Finally at one point I heard Buddy’s name mentioned. And the fact that he was RSV positive.

What the heck is that?

I wondered when they would come tell me, when no one came I googled it on my mobile phone.

Basically the common cold.

Can be more dangerous to newborns and elderly which most things usually are.

Sunday night his breathing became a big concern, doctors came and went fussing over him. They did a chest x-ray or two, they wanted to take an artery blood sample which took 3 painful attempts. Not only did Buddy scream like never before, I had the most gut wrenching pain too. I was letting them do this to him. Deep down I knew it was required to help him in the long-term, but that’s my baby. And I let them do it to him. His cries were becoming weaker and weaker from exhaustion, I was so lost. I had a million questions but no way of wording them. It was 1 am when they decided that they had done all they could and that they’d need to send him else where to receive further help.

I called Glen in desperate tears explaining his deterioration and that he needed to be flown to Sydney. Not long afterwards the doctors then informed me that there were no planes available to fly Buddy.

Now what?

They said he needed more, they were doing all they could do and now they couldn’t even fly him out to get further treatment.

What does that mean for my boy?

All they could do was monitor his stats.

This night was really emotional for me, earlier in the night I’d been dozing with Buddy laying in my arms. I’d been talking to him and stroking his little forehead. For a moment we had both calmed down and felt a little soothed. Shift change over. The new nurse came in, took my baby from my arms, he began crying right away which anyone with half a brain would have realised that crying increases his heart rate and therefore affects his breathing.

She put him in the cot and said minimal holding as it stirs him, she also told me I couldn’t feed him, that the iv drip was enough.

I can’t hold or feed my baby?

He was right there. But it felt like we were worlds a part.

He was distressed laying there screaming, I was heartbroken and panicky and just wanted my baby back. Was I going to lose my milk? When can I hold him again? This is when his condition started getting worse up to the point of needing to fly him out. I blame that nurse for bringing it on.

I cried as I told the two doctors that he was calmer with me, that he is better when he is against my body. I told them to just let me hold him, that I could settle him and soothe him. I told them so many times almost pleading to just give him to me. For ‘medical reasons’ I was denied.

Eventually I was ‘allowed’ to hold Buddy. It was around 4am, and I felt calm come over me as soon as he was in my arms, I think he must have felt the same because he was quiet and began to breathe easier immediately.

I was so afraid for my baby but I did not fully comprehend the situation. I guess my mind just didnt want to go there.

Monday we were told he had whooping cough. Up until this point we were told he was fighting off RSV and bronculitus, he also had a collapsed lung due to fluid. I was so confussed. I didn’t even know when they’d taken the sample to test for pertusiss! Turns out, the mucus they took back on Saturday morning was used and now the results were back.

Whooping cough.

AND he was fighting off the RSV and had to get his lung up and working.

The reality hit me really hard when I read an article from ‘Thats life’ magazine while in the hospital. It was a story of a young mum who’s baby had whooping-cough. I cried and cried for this mum. Her story was identical to mine, everything she detailed in the days leading up to hospitalisation, and everything that went on in hospital.

The only difference was that her newborn son Kristian had died. When her son got to the point of needing further treatment, like Buddy did, they flew him to Melbourne. She said ‘I love you’ before he was taken away. By the time she reached Melbourne herself. Kristian had passed away.

That could have been my story.

My heart goes out to Kristian’s family.

Was Sunday night our worst night? I am hoping so and he got through it. He wanted his mum and I wanted him. They should have let us be.

There have been so many ups and downs, not only in hospital with Buddy but at home with my girls who don’t understand why I am gone and why their new baby brother isn’t home. Glen’s been doing it all on his own and I know how tough it is to look after those 4 girls full-time. Glen and I have been trading over so I can spend a couple of hours at home with the girls, prepare meals for the nights I’ll be away and tidy a little. It gives me a breath of fresh air rather than that sterile air con air. All the girls are tired and emotional, they can’t sleep properly. They just want me to come home and I can’t keep saying ‘tomorrow or the next day’ forever. But I really don’t know when I’ll be home to read their stories and tuck them in.

Sophie at one point burst into tears saying ‘I’m so sorry I made Buddy sick.’ Bella’s been acting out more than normal, and its harder for me to be patient as I haven’t slept for days and being away from Buddy puts me on edge, wondering if he’s screaming or needs a feed or just needs me. I also worry about what the nurses or doctors are doing while I’m not there to supervise. I’m snappy and tense and feel like a totally incompetent parent.

I’ve over compensated by buying the girls new toys and crafts and movies to try to distract them and make me feel a little better.

After a while all the information started to sink in and I began getting mad. I had millions of questions. Where did he get the whooping-cough? His sisters? Is that what they had after all? I wasn’t ‘just’ paranoid? Why didn’t the doctor test us, to be sure? What do we do? How do we fix this?

We were placed in isolation the moment they knew what it was. I now know what jail feels like. No-one can come in without a mask. Gloves and protective outfit if they are to touch Buddy. So really everyone just avoids us. Except for a couple of exceptional beautiful nurses. Glen and I must wear masks if we leave the room and are in hospital grounds.

I’m annoyed with the staff, each one individually is a nice person but each one has their own way of doing things and it often conflicts with the staff who was on the previous shift.

One minute he’s taken off oxygen which I take as an improvement and I get all happy and the next thing I know someone walks in turns it back on and walks out, leaving me in tears thinking he’s getting bad again. At one point he was hooked up to a double dose of oxygen until another nurse noticed on shift change over. Another time he was almost drowned when a build up of moisture in his little nose tubes was poured into them. He was coughing and spluttering.

One night when I arrived back at the hospital after spending time with the girls Glen came out of the hospital to meet me at the car. He was just about in tears, saying that Buddy must hate him, he just stared at him screaming and screaming and Glen couldn’t settle him. As I walked back into the room, two nurses were huddled over him, they were about to remove his canular. It was horribly swollen and the poor little guy was in agony. I later messaged Glen to let him know it wasn’t him, and he’d done nothing wrong. I just wonder if the nurses would have told me the whole story if I hadn’t seen it for myself.

So canular out, I was glad he didn’t need the ‘extra support’ only when I arrived back the next day he had a nasal gastric tube up his little nose and down into his stomach!!!

The little electrodes are now attached to his chest again too.

 Personally I see many improvements, he’s awake for such long periods looking around when he sets off the beeping on one of the machines he’s hooked up to. When he feeds he’s really energetic about it.

Everyone does say he is getting better and despite fighting two bugs at such a young age is doing really well.

I just want to know when I can take him home. I want to be able to snuggle with him in OUR bed, I want to dress him in his cute clothes, I want to bath, feed, cuddle and talk to him whenever I want to.

I can’t hold him the way I want, or lay with him or snuggle with him, too many cords and leads and tubes. I just want to be a good mum to my little boy.

I can’t see my girls when I want, I can’t say goodnight to them or make their breakfast. I feel like such a terrible mother.

I miss Glen so much too. I see him for the 5 minutes it takes to give each other an update on where we’re up to either with Buddy’s progress or what needs to be done at home. A quick peck and we’re off again.

 At lest we’re married now, we have a lifetime to let it sink in.

Our main priority was Buddy.

And my main thought was ‘this should never have happened’

The doctor who missed our case wore a fat gold wedding band and he had told us he had two little girls, and he was nice to us. A nice happily married family man. These are the things I try to think of when I feel ‘blame’ settling in. I then think of Buddy and the pain and distress he has been dealt in his first 2 weeks of life and I think of how distraught and exhausted I and Glen are. And how lost my girls are without their mum. I think about the fact that our entire lives have been turned upside down all because this happily married family man didn’t listen to me.  What if we’d lost Buddy that Sunday night? I wonder what I’d be thinking then. I wonder what he would do if it were one of his daughters who’s life had been played with?

We always want to blame someone. I ultimately blame myself. I should have demanded testing. I should have seen another doctor. I don’t want to lay blame souly on that doctor but he should have taken me seriously. As a mother. He should have listened to my concerns and he should have actively done something to ease them. ie do the simple whooping-cough test.

Buddy is my one and only son. If I lose him, I’ll lose a part of myself and I know that I will never be able to forgive that man who didn’t listen to me.


Sunday 10th July.

So Sunday last week I was lost, my world torn apart. Buddy was getting all the treatment they could give. All we could do was watch and wait. I could have lost my baby that night. If I had I would have wanted to go too. I would have been alive but never again would I have been able to live.

But guess what?!?! This morning doctors are amazed by his improvement over the week and were tempted to send him home but in the end chose to keep him just one more night. So if nothing changes, tomorrow night I’ll be home with ALL my babies!

He has all his ‘equipment’ removed so let’s hope he stays stable.

So needless to say I am over the moon yet a little anxious. This will be the longest 24 hours of my life!!


Well we came home! And Buddy is doing really well now, still has a cough, the antibiotics given kill the bug but the cough carries on, so I still get worried and I am overly paranoid about his health.

I watch him like a hawk.

I am so much closer to my little Buddy because of our week of isolation together, and to be honest I clung to him a little extra from day one.

He is after all my first son.

The first night home was tiring and a relief. The girls were so happy they practically climbed all over me. I wasn’t very energetic about it but I was happy to be home with my family together again. Bella organised a welcome home party for Buddy and I, with Gwenda’s help (she flew to Coffs to help us out, I can never thank her enough for all her help with the girls and the cleaning and just for being there for us!) we had a beautiful lamb roast dinner that Glen cooked, they used balloons and left over decorations from the reception I never got to go to, such a lovely thing to do.

Thank goodness we were home.

Thank goodness we were together again.

What’s the big deal? Part 3/Week two

So our ceremony was meant to take place by a beautiful river called Never Never creek in a place called the promised lands. How lovely?

But the whole first week it rained and rained. I had no clue what to do. I didn’t have a back up plan.

One afternoon hanging ut at ‘nan’s’ house it was mentioned how nice it would have been to have Pop at the wedding, due to his age he was in a home and not able to come.

He’s only 102!!!

It got me thinking about how we could feel like Pop was there. I remember Glen taking me up to Pop’s shed a couple of times and how it always fascinated me. There were all sorts of old things up there, lots of keepsakes from different family members too. The shed its self was so rustic and musty, it just felt magical, and full of silent life. I loved that I could close my eyes spin around then randomly select an item and there would be an interesting story to go with it.

This is where I wanted to be married.

It felt special and meaningful, it had little pieces of all the family especially Pop hanging in the dust that floated freely about.

When I mentioned Pop’s shed as back up if the rain should ruin our riverside location everyone looked at me like I was going mad. ‘Its so dirty up there!’ ‘Its not very pretty.’ ‘There is stuff lying around all over the place.’ I liked that stuff was lying around, I didn’t want it to be pretty, and well, the dirt was part of the charm.

Finally I think everyone caught on to what I was feeling, or at least entertained my wishes, and arrangements were made to ‘tidy’ it up. All I wanted was the things in the middle of the floor, which would have been right in the way of the aisle to be moved to the sides, but the boys (Glen, Mark his brother, Robert his dad and Paul his uncle) put in mighty efforts and it looked awesome. They also later got pink, green and white streamers and threw them around the rafters and the morning of the wedding were going to blow up helium balloons to float about the roof. They were also going to sprinkle rose petals down the aisle.

I’d planned to get beautiful wedding shots out by Nan and pops old orange tree which was full of oranges and orange blossoms. There is so much rustic charm about I could just imagine how nice all our family portraits would come out.

Even though this is how I looked, the night before the wedding….

Stuffing my face.

But no…

I got married here…..

and you know what? I wouldn’t change it for the world. I gave birth to my fifth and final baby, my first son on the same day I married my best friend.

Poor bruised little face, Sorry Buddy, my bad.

Odd order, but things aren’t always meant to be as simple as they’re made out to be.

Despite what it looks like I WAS happy!

So like I said in the previous post I dragged my brother down the aisle, I panicked, from behind the hedge we were to walk out from behind I could hear the aisle song playing and I was saying ‘quick, we have to go…quick!’ Then I realised that they started the song again as we appeared….no rush at all. I was so nervous, and I made it worse by looking up, from the hospital windows on the second storey there was a crowd! Gawking down at the ceremony. I looked down immediately, I didn’t need the butterflies in my tummy getting anymore excited. I then proceeded to stand in the wrong spot. Well I hadn’t even SEEN where I was getting married, can you blame me? Gwenda quickly re-arranged me into position and we then listened to Gwenda’s words. She’d used a part of my blog, from a post I’d written a while back titled ‘I do, do I?’ Glen and I giggled at each other as I choked back tears, after that Bella was very brave and read a poem for us, it was so sweet and she was so nervous but besides no one hearing a word she said she did very well. I think we then exchanged vows….I think that’s in the correct order (I am so glad we had a videographer! I wouldn’t remember a thing about that crazy day if I didn’t have it on film) (by the way, it is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.)

 Glen needed his very first line repeated and still got it wrong, he had a part about ‘always listen to me talk’ which he said something like he’ll ‘let’ me talk?! nice. And then he had a part about supporting me to become everything I can, but said something like ‘I will let you be, all you can be.’ Which made me laugh harder because it reminded me of Ashton Kutcher in ‘just married’ where he’s meeting his Fiances family and says ‘I just hope I can be, all I can be… this fammmmily.’

We then had a special balloon ceremony. Originally it was a flower ceremony. But when I realised that we weren’t having our wedding by the river (where we were going to be throwing the flowers so they could all ‘flow away together’) I had to come up with something else. The ceremony was to represent that Glen, Bella, Sophie, Violet, Molly, Buddy and myself were all separate people who would be joining together on that day, and since there are as many of us as there are colours in the rainbow I thought having 7 flowers, one of each colour and chucking them into the river with a special reading would symbolise they were going ‘together’ in the same direction.

eh…get me?

Well you can see my problem? No river, my flowers will go no where thrown on the ground, so I had to think of something colourful that would ‘travel’ together…..Helium balloons I eventually came up with while scanning the awesome aisles of spotlight. Ended up so much cheaper too!

Anyway, we had our balloon ceremony and released our individual colours to fly off into the sky, it was pretty cool. Only Molly didn’t let go of her balloon….she ‘joined’ our balloons later when she let go accidentally.

Then we exchanged rings.

I freaked out not knowing which of Glen’s hands to take, and I didn’t feel like it was the time to ask either! Glen knowing my terrible grasp on left and right gave me the correct hand. (I know there’s only 2, left and right, but I cannot for the life of me pick which is which off the top of my head.)

As we were pronounced husband and wife, Nicole, my sister and bridesmaid and Mark, Glen’s brother and best man let off petal cannons. So cool hearing ‘Now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride’ *BANG*BANG* and having rose petal shower over you.

We then had hugs and kisses, and signed the papers that need to be signed, my sisters so awesomely thought to bring one of our 3 wedding cakes to the hospital so I could at least cut the cake with Glen, she brought the most delicious one too.

I threw the bouquet to all the little and some not so little girls who were all excited. We did it twice just because it was fun.

Eventually everyone drifted away, off to the reception I’d had planned down to the tiniest detail. Nicole left with Sophie, Violet and Molly who weren’t feeling well at all. She took them home to the townhouse we were renting, bathed them, fed them, watched a movie with them and put them to bed. Glen and I got some pictures taken with Buddy and then the lovely nurses looked after him for 45 minutes while we headed off with our beautiful photographer, Trish O’Brien of Jetty Images, down to the wharf to get some nice wedding shots on the beach.

Finally we arrived back at the hospital, it was getting dark and the maternity ward was quiet. Walking down the corridor in my wedding dress, carrying my bouquet and my new baby, with Glen in his bridal attire was eerie and really out-of-place.


Glen left shortly after, to head for our reception alone, but first, we both had a taste of our wedding cake together and checked out Buddy.

What a day.

And we couldn’t even finish it together.

Glen headed to our reception and I stayed in hospital with Buddy. I can’t complain, I wanted some rest. The doctor and nurses came by to let me know that if I wanted to leave and go to the reception that I could, but I’d have to leave Buddy. I really didn’t want to leave my brand new baby. The nurses put up the ‘do not disturb’ sign as I had random people coming to congratulate me at all sorts of times. I am so glad that our wedding cake was left with me that night. Every time I got up to feed Buddy or change him or cuddle him, I’d slide that table over to me and have a few mouthfuls.

I’ll never forget that cake.

Hazelnut slice……….

Is the translation from what it is called in french. I’ll give details of that bakery in a future post, seriously you NEED to go there and you NEED to eat their cakes.


Anyway,….I think that is most of what happened that day.

At the time we didn’t think much of it, it was more like we were just getting something we had meant to get around to a couple of times out-of-the-way. Giving birth was already unplanned for that day so what the hell, why not get married? I was already tired but I felt awesome after having Buddy out of my body, I felt I could have run a marathon!


However, a few days later I felt like I’d been bashed. By a crowd of apes. Hopped up of fermented bananas!

Oww… the back of my neck and head were so sore, from the position I was in in the water bath, my thighs killed and well so did everything. I was tired too.

We spent most of that week at home, seeing visitors who wanted to check out Buddy, trying to rest and taking the phone calls from a magazine who was interested in our story. Making the front of the local newspaper was cool, but I felt weird. I didn’t think it was such a big deal.

I guess being the actual person in the stories you read isn’t as special as reading them from some elses point of view.

I seriously kept thinking….

What’s the big deal?

I am so happy though that Buddy will have so many keepsakes and memento’s for when he’s older.

I always worried that my wedding day would be good, but that I’d forget it after a few years, hence hiring a photographer and videographer.

But Buddy’s early arrival has ensured that I will never forget it, even if I was a little out of it on the actual day!

So week two ended.

We were tired but happy to the point of being unexplainable.

Our new baby, our new relationship.


It sadly didn’t last…..

What’s the big deal? Part 2

So where was I?

Ok waters burst, gave birth, we’d been convinced to still go through with the wedding. I had a long shower threw on my new jammies and was put in the ‘bridal suite’ of the maternity ward.

I was exhausted.

I was falling asleep as I lay with Buddy, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I hadn’t gotten a chance to sleep the night before and now it was about 7amish. So well over 24 hours without sleep, well probably more, I hadn’t been able to sleep the few nights leading up to the wedding either, over thinking everything that still had to be done and being completely uncomfortable and large didn’t help the cause.

I sent a mass text to everyone just saying that I’d had Buddy, his weight and length and the fact that he was adorable along with an update about the wedding; we’d be having it later in the day and that I’d keep everyone posted.

Everyone thought I was joking.

I dozed on and off between checking out Buddy and giving him cuddles and apologising to him for his battered and bruised little face. He came out too quick. (His eyes bulged at one point during the ‘get it out of me!!!’ part of giving birth.)

I couldn’t reply to any of the messages I was getting back, I had conveniently run out of credit. FINALLY Glen called the hospital room. He’d left earlier to go re-arrange everything. He sounded rushed and panicky. Trying to ask me quick questions in between the girls talking over him in the back ground. I then got on the phone to my sister who was just as rushed and stressed, asking me what I wanted brought to the hospital so I could get ready.

I got off the phone and casually chatted and giggled with Buddy. ‘Its so funny Buddy. Now Daddy gets to see how it feels!’ I was feeling so relaxed now. Not a care in the world. The day before however I was poised to tear heads off. So high-strung and stressed. Everything MUST go perfectly. I was hating everyone and everything. Glen probably copped it the most. How dare he have ‘nothing’ to do?

 And now?

 He had to do everything. I felt it was fair. Karma even.

Glen with the girls, before meeting me at hospital.

My sister, Naomi and Cara, Nai’s daughter, did so much too! I’ll never be able to thank them enough, they dressed all the girls, packed EVERYTHING imaginable that I would need to get ready for the wedding and brought it all to the hospital. When Nicole arrived I could see how stressed she was, she knew how much this day meant to me and I know she wanted to make sure it was perfect.

Sophie, Violet and Bella waiting to walk down the aisle.

Gemima the newspaper lady arrived with the photographer, they asked me some questions as I sat on the bed in my pj’s eating a sandwich. Half an hour BEFORE the wedding!

I decided I should hurry up and get ready. I knew Glen would be stressing out as it was but if I were late? Well…..

Another patient for the hospital!

So I jumped into the small sterile bathroom and chucked on my wedding dress (white suddenly seemed like a bad idea, especially after giving birth a few hours before.) I grabbed my make-up and slapped it on while answering more questions, my brother had arrived at this point. So handsome and grown up, even though he was barefoot like Nicole and I, he looked very classy in his specifically hired vest. I was so happy he was going to be the one giving me away.

I put my white rose comb into my unbrushed hair and put my anklets on.

Grabbed my bouquet and was ready.

Let’s do this thing.

Matt and Nic with me and Buddy. (They mean the world to me!)

Buddy wasn’t allowed out of the maternity ward, but at one point the midwife who had him ducked him out from behind the hedge in the garden off the maternity ward so at least in years to come I can say that yes he was there, if only for a moment. My back was turned at the time and listening to what Gwenda, Glen’s mum and our celebrant was saying when all of a sudden all our guests where looking beyond us saying ‘awww look..’

It was Buddy!

How many times did you plan on stealing the show today Buddy? (I was so proud of him that moment.)

I sooked and blubbered like an idiot as I dragged my brother down the aisle. Laughed stupidly as Glen and I screwed our vows up so badly. I mentioned in the middle of my vows that I had snot running from my nose, Bella started happy crying at one point and I handed her my snotty tissue not even realising she was in tears. I kept waving at people and pulling faces at the small kids watching the ceremony. I didn’t even know where Molly was at one point!

Our ceremony was so sweet, heartfelt and so unique.

Considering I wanted it ‘perfect’ I wouldn’t change a thing.

Best day of my life by far.


Part 3 and the promise of photos???

(Sorry I know I’m being slack.)


What’s the big deal?

18th June 2011- So I was sitting at the dining table with my girls, my best freind Nai, my sister Nicole, brother Matt and his girlfriend Amanda. I was at the end of the 9 peice dining table, my huge stomach made it hard to reach anything I could barely bend. I couldn’t reach the hot chips and I REALLY wanted some hot chips. I stretched out my arm leaning as far forward as I could, not far enough. ‘Um?!’ I opened and shut my hand gesturing I wanted food. My sister looked at me and slid a whole box full toward me. I don’t think I even said thanks. As soon as we’d eaten I made Matt and Amanda set the table, the way I had shown them. They were going to be dressing the tables at the reception and I wanted it perfect the way I had imagined it. I quizzed them hardcore. And I actually ‘spoke’ that saying ‘I am going to quiz you hardcore.’ They did it beautifully and all I said was ‘that will do.’

Naomi said ‘Your normally really nice but your being really mean.’ while giggling.

And when I look back, yes I was!

I was ‘surpressing’ the fact that I was having some pretty decent contractions and I knew I was compeltly stressed about the wedding which was sheduled for 10am the next morning, I so did not need to be going into labour right now! I got to the point where I was tired and realised I could do no more and went to bed. I couldn’t sleep. Molly was sleeping with me as Glen had left earlier in the afternoon to spend the night before the wedding in Bellingen with his dad, brother and uncle. Molly was not happy to sprawl out on her side of the comfy big bed but wanted to sleep on my face. I must admit my face is quite comfortable.

She finally went to sleep and I began to doze while going over wedding plans and details, next thing I know there is a whole heap of banging and drunk people talking loudly and swearing. I thought it was our door they were banging on but it was our neighbours. Eventually they drifted away when they realised the person wasn’t going to let them in.

19th June 2011- I began to doze again, but my eyes shot open when I got an awfully strong contraction at 1. 30am. It was good enough to hurt my lower back. Good enough for me to make sure I looked at the clock -just in case- In my mind I was thinking, ‘hmm, that was a good one, just go to sleep Cristie.’ Dozing again, I was woken by ANOTHER big aching contraction. I had to breathe through this one, looking at the clock. 1.40am ‘Crap, ten minutes apart! Just go to sleep, go to sleep!’ I couldn’t sleep. ‘I think I’m in labour, no, I’m not! Just sleep!, sleep…..drag it out Cristie. God I hope my water doesn’t break.’

Tightening, tightening, lower back aching……..*GUSH!*


‘Are you serious??????!, SERIOUSLY?! Really?’

This is what I thought as I lay in bed, quite comfortable really except for the warm liquid POURING everywhere!!!

1.50am, hmmm yep, ten minutes apart.

‘Damnit! Damnit to hell.’

I could have gotten married while in labour, I can’t get married with broken waters!


So I wasn’t going to get married today, meaning I wasn’t going to get married for another couple of years. We wanted everyone to be there. Glen’s brother Mark and his wife Fiona and adorable little Lola live in England and were leaving later in the week. Gwenda Glen’s mum was leaving the next day and she was our celebrant!

I went to the bath room and began to run a bath. Everyone was sound asleep. I didn’t want to bother anyone right away, I wanted to let my mind grasp the reality of the work ahead. If anyone wants to say labour and giving birth ISN’T work, well I say you deserve a punch to the face! I VERY quickly decided against a bath, when my contractions decided to increase in intensity and come 6 minutes apart, I turned the taps off with an inch laying in the bottom. I’d taken my mobile to the bathroom with me in case I needed to call someone. I decided to have a shower instead. If I had of gotten in that bath I think I would have ended up text messaging Gwenda who was sleeping downstairs, something like ‘I have a surprise for you! Come upstairs!’ and then whipping out a slimy red newborn. ‘Ta da!’

No bath. I had a shower. Before I did I text Glen, I wrote ‘we aren’t getting married today, but we are having a baby instead!’ I cleaned myself up and called the hospital.

‘My waters have broken, and I’ll be coming in soon.’

‘Oookay, um how far apart are your contractions? Are you in labour?’

‘5 minutes, and yes I am in labour.’

‘Are you sure? You don’t sound too distressed.’

‘Yeah I am sure, this is my fifth. Could you have the bath run? I think this will be a quick one.’

‘Right, I see why your calm, ok we can run the bath for you. When will you arrive?’

‘I’m not sure. My fiance is out in Bellingen, we are actually meant to be getting married today.’

We had a bit of a giggle and chat then I hung up with her. Glen hadn’t got back to me so I figured I should call and wake him. It was now 2.30am. I told him I was in labour. I think he thought I was joking. I suggested that he should come home….soon. But not to panic, not to speed, and that ‘we had time’ In my head I was thinking ‘get here now! drive as fast as fricking possible without getting yourself injured or caught and we don’t have much time at all!!!’

I checked through my hospital bag, glanced sadly at my wedding dress hanging in closet. I checked in on the girls, I was sad for them. They were so excited about the wedding, they desperately wanted to wear their dresses and sparkly shoes, walk down the aisle with their flowers. And instead they’d wake up and mum AND dad are gone, no wedding. Such confusion. I text Nai and asked her if she’d come over in the morning to calm them and make sure they were ok.

I then went downstairs, slowly. With a massive loaf of bread between my thighs. Well thats how it felt. Hmmm you just can’t describe the feeling of having your waters break….well actually let me try. Its like, peeing yourself and having no control. But it’s not like a normal pee. It’s like a massive pee that doesn’t stop! did you know that amniotic fluid actually replenishes itself every 3 hours? Well yep it does.

So I guiltily opened Gwenda’s door and woke her. She asked if there was anything she could do, hmm..give birth for me, cause I’m having bad contractions and it is reminding me that there is still worse to come! ‘Make me a cup of tea?’

Glen’s dad dropped him off at our townhouse about 3am I was so happy, I NEEDED to go to hospital. Contractions getting stronger and I was feeling rude ignoring Gwenda when a contraction came on, I was loosing my place in our conversation!

‘I just need to pooh and vomit and then we can go.’

Nice Glen, nice. The vomit was a stress vomit, I’m not sure about the pooh.

‘Hurry, hurry.’ I thought.

FINALLY we got in the car, I didn’t check the time at this point, I was just glad we were headed to hospital. Just down the road I realised we forgot my camera. ‘Want to go back?’ I thought for about a second, felt the strength of the coming contraction…’oh, nah, its ok.’ (For me NOT to take the camera for the birth of my first son!? I really needed to be at hospital!)

We arrived finally and they checked me in, the bath was only half filled. I was then informed that I was a ‘grand multiple.’ Or in midwife lingo a Grand Multi.

How cool!?
I felt so special. I’ve never been a ‘grand’ anything! But it meant that I was at high risk of haemorrhage. I did not know any of this. I was not allowed to have a waterbirth because of the increased risks.

I panicked inside.

Waterbirth is what I do, this is how I SURVIVE giving birth.

I accepted that it was not allowed, but they gave me a loop-hole. They could not physically stop me from having a waterbirth. I tried staying in the shower thinking I could have him in the shower. I tried sitting on the floor, that sucked so I got up. I leaned on the bath, I squatted, and did other random movements and positions which are totally inappropriate for any other time in your life besides labour. Nothing worked. I told the midwife I was getting in the bath. She was reluctant, but I was doing it. She had to document the fact that I had gone against procedure in case of worst case scenario.

I got in, and I was in heaven. well… you know as close to heaven as you can get when in labour! It wasn’t long before I felt him coming, the midwives came in and Buddy was coming out. I pushed and didn’t stop. He was huge, I was doing it in one go. No need to prolong this experience! I heard the midwives but ignored them. One was saying ‘I knew it, I knew it, what are we going to do?’ referring to the large amount of blood that was filling the bath, the other was trying to talk over her saying ‘Yes I knew she could do it, good girl, maybe you should stop pushing a little?…no, ok you do what you want honey. You know what you’re doing. OH here he is!’


The relief that washed over me the moment he was out was awesome!

And Buddy? Perfect.

I’m overwhelmed now trying to recall how strongly I felt toward him.

My only son.

I love him.

They had to rush me out of the bath due to the loss of blood and hooked me up to an iv. He was weighed, only 8 pound 15 ounce and 56cm! Biggest baby I’ve had and I could tell when giving birth!


We giggled with the midwives, Michelle and Susan about the fact that we were meant to be getting married in 5 hours. All the stress I’d felt the day before had melted away, this was a perfect day, I was happy and nothing could make it better. I felt sad that we’d have to call and message everyone within the next couple of hours to let them know the wedding was off. After a lot of family having to travel here for it I felt a bit bad. But Buddy wasn’t waiting so at least I could blame it on him!

The midwives then suggested we get married in the hospital chapel. At first it was a joke then turned into a ‘why not?’ and then Glen and I were looking at each other going ‘Do you wanna?’ ‘I don’t know, do you wanna?’ ‘ok, why not?’

So the midwives called the people who need to be asked about these things and got permission. They then asked if we’d mind if the newspaper could come, ‘sure why not?’ we laughed.

‘What time?’

‘hmmm one?’ (considering I had previously put in hours of thinking and pondering on a suitable time, I spat out 1pm, I figured we could relocate an entire wedding in that time.)

I was put in the ‘bridal suite’ in the maternity ward, basically I got the room a healthcover patient would get. All to myself……


That will do for the first instalment of this post, (my net book battery is going flat, plus I’m meant to be on my honeymoon tonight!!!!)

I’ll add photo’s on the par two…..The Wedding!

(netbook died during spell check, hence not being published last night!)

Holiday from Hell ~ Week one.

I honestly do not know where to begin, so I think I will just try to recall events, thoughts and feelings from each week, add some random pics taken and some how string it all together. I apologise if I loose you along the way but I personally got lost somewhere back in week two of our ‘holiday’ *ah ahhhh choo nightmare.*

I have a bunch of beautiful people who deserve thanks, BIG fat thanks. I will at the end of these chapters dedicate a special post to them. You already know who you are, but I’ll never be able to thank you enough.

So here we go…..

Once upon a time………………………………..

Ok, so the drive home was awesome, the girls were brilliantly behaved. 16 hours flew by.

Seriously, no jokes!

So we got to my mum’s house around 11pm after a day of driving. She was to babysit our two dogs, Sweedie and Bones for the 5 weeks. She of course had been ‘preparing’ for our arrival downing a few beverages. I didn’t care, I was just glad to see a familiar face! I was happy to see mum and listen to her slurred recounts on the argument she and her BF Ozzie had just had over a tattoo gun. ‘He just doesn’t respect my decision, I just don’t want to use anyone elses tattoo gun, I want to get my own!’ she blubbered. ‘Mum,….that would NOT be a wise decision.’ Internally I laughed, firstly about what consititues as a reasonable topic of argument for some and secondly, imagining the ‘art’ that would forever be imprinted on my mother’s forehead after a night on the drinkies!!!

Oh how I’d missed her, but it was time to leave once the drunk tears started. So we piled the girls into the car at almost 1am, mind you they were excited and full of beans running around mum’s front yard. We arrived at our rented townhouse and put them to bed, had a coffee with Gwenda, Glen’s mum who’d be bunking with us for the week and went to bed!

The next day it all started, it was Saturday and my wedding was but 8 sleeps away. Being in an entirely different state to the one we were getting married in meant there was only so much I could do and organise from afar and over the phone, so off to meet the photographer, try on dresses, gather decorations for the reception, order helium balloons, talk meat with the butcher, shop for drinks, nibbles and food for the reception, oh yeah and I was 10 sleeps from giving birth so chuck in a few ante-natal appointments too!

I was hating everything!

Even Glen.

I was a tad worried. I mean I figured I’d liked him for 3 years so surely disliking him a little due to stress and pregnancy hormones for a week was allowed…?? I was cranky because I had so much to do but none of it was really anything I could delegate to anyone else, so I was annoyed that Glen was having a leisurely holiday and I was not, I was up at the crack of dawn with the girls, my back aching and exhausted from the insomnia I suffer from at the beginning and end of pregnancy, then I’d get them all ready and head out the door to organise what needed to be done, or plan to meet who needed to be met or catch up with family.

One of the biggest issues we had was with the wedding cake. Personally I didn’t mind if we didn’t have a cake. I know its traditional and I know that people who go to a wedding expect cake. Maybe it is the ONLY reason people actually go to weddings.

For the cake.

Well, the cake. My mum decided to take on cake duty. (I know its starting to sound like a mum bashing but it’s not, I like my mum, I think she is cute. In an awww…the poor dear type way.) So she told me she would take care of the cake, not me tell her, SHE told ME…months ago she would take care of the cake.

So I did not do a thing about the cake. She had many brilliant ideas, she would tell them to me every time we were on the phone. She had planned one large cake, and then lots of little cupcakes. She did get offended when I mentioned that I didn’t really want an orange flavoured cake as the main cake and that something like chocolate which is fairly popular would be better, and that perhaps she could have vanilla, orange and strawberry flavoured cupcakes? I think this is where she decided to make it hard for me. I asked her about the cake when we arrived and she said it was all organised so I didn’t worry about the cake, mid-week I asked her about the cake and she said she knew what she was doing, so I didn’t worry about the cake. Friday I asked her about the cake. “I’m going to woolies and buying some mudcakes and I’ll squash them together into a love heart shape and use a cookie cutter on the left overs, and I’ll get a Marge and Homer Simpson bride and groom, it’s so you.’

Did my eyeballs pop out of my head?

I don’t know.


I would have accepted that cake. I would have been happy that my mum was happy, I would have proudly displayed that cake and told anyone who cared to ask ‘My mum made it for us.’ And been glad she’d gone to the effort.

My sister Nicole however had told me about a little bakery down the jetty and MADE me go have a look. OH MY GOD, the cakes were stunning, in looks and taste. I picked out 3 beautiful cakes, total? $100. I ordered them. I was pleased we’d be able to offer a beautiful and artful cake selection at our reception but as we walked out I felt liked I’d stabbed my mum in the back.

Luckily she announced the next day (day before the wedding) that she wasn’t doing anything for a cake now. She did want to ‘chuck in’ though and when I suggested $50 and that we could go halves…..

Her eyes fell out of HER head.

(still waiting…..)

Another mum dilemma? Her dress.

We’d realised that Nicole and I would need a little extra coverage under our dresses. Just a tad see through, so off we went to specifically buy old granny petty coats. (I tried to make it sound like they were for the elderly…sadly I already own some and sadly, sadly, yes I actually wear them.)Gwenda and Fi joined us, I NEED to ge the pics from that outing, they involve a heavily pregnant me, trying on petty coats OVER my clothes, in public. We had a ball……..  No one was going to see our knickers on the wedding day, later mum tried her dress, she removed her bra to do so. I did mention to her that it was a barefoot wedding.

But that did not mean barefoot AND braless!


Anyway we realised her dress too was a little too sheer. The look on her face when I asked her to wear a slip under it was pure and utter disgust.

‘We can see your undies mum.’ Nicole and I protested.

‘I just won’t wear any undies then.’ Mum replied.

‘Everyone will see your butt crack!’ (Seriously, they would.)

‘I’ll just duct tape it.’ She has an answer for everything!

I was a tad hurt when she didn’t mention anything like they do in the movies; like ‘you just look so beautiful, my daughter, all grown up.’ *tear* when she saw me in my dress, she was too busy checking out how slim she looked in HER dress. Well it was pretty, I picked it out and bought it for her. She did look good.

Ok so she didn’t follow through on her promise of a cake, she did keep her word on the cheap wine. She didn’t however keep aside a bottle for me for when I was able to have a glass.

Can you tell that I am slightly hurt? Maybe a little annoyed?

Yeah I am. The difference between the mum I knew 18 months ago and the one I have now is shocking. I considered her an alcoholic back then, but I don’t know what to call her now. Its bad. She is so self obsessed. Well it’s not even that she’s obsessed with drinking, its like a toxic love affair she is having. It disgusts me and makes me not even want to drink the very small amount I do!

Her liver will fail soon. How can it not?! She lives in a golden liquid world. My sister and I have had many a sad discussion about the day we get a phone call to say she’s no longer with us. We will cry, not from heartache, not from shock but from guilt.

We know she has a problem and we choose not to say anything, well actually we have mutually agreed not to. She is past the point of help. We should have stopped her years ago when she was drinking while pregnant with our baby brother and sister, we should have stopped her years ago when she’d head to the pub every night. I don’t know how we could have, but we should have.

Anyway, my mums an alcoholic.

Nobody’s perfect.


Happy,…………So I got to spend time with my adorable niece Lilly. There must be some primitive instinct that requires sisters to love their siblings children as much as their own, you know, in case of accidents. Because I could quite easily bring her home and treat her as my own, she’s awesome and so unique, she gives off a really free, vintage vibe. Plus she’s a little naughty which is irresistible. Her massive blue eyes and soft brown curls, little fat thighs. She has the cutest gaps between her teeth and so cheekily grins while doing a raspy fake laugh ‘he he he’

I cannot describe how much I’ve missed my sister and Lilly, Matt my baby brother (who, mind you is at least a head taller than me!) Such beautiful, independent, switched on people.

Like I said, I am all over the place with this! Back to my week, it was busy and hectic, I was feeling fat and tired (which I said at one stage while talking to my brother’s girlfriend. Nicole, Matt, Glen’s mum and my best friend Naomi were all present suddenly went silent. ‘Did you say F*#king tired?!’ Nicole blurted shocked. ‘NO!’ I said fat AND tired.’ Everyone had a giggle. They thought I must have been REALLY tired when they heard me say what they thought they heard me say considering I never swear!)

So we arrived Saturday 11th of june and our week ended the following Saturday, the day before our wedding. Nicole had booked me in for a manicure and a pedicure that morning, which I desperately needed, not only because my nails were terrible but because I really, REALLY needed some attention and pampering. Gwenda, Nicole and I went out for breakfast, I had pancakes. I was getting quite a few good contractions and I was praying that I didn’t go into labour until AFTER my manicure at least!

Well I didn’t go into labour thank goodness, I got my manicure and pedicure (my toes STILL look cute.) The rest of the afternoon Nicole and I spent rushing around, confirming details and picking up bits and pieces for the wedding the following morning. We got home and Glen left and headed out to Bellingen to spend the night with his brother Mark, who was over from England, his dad and his uncle. Naomi (BFF) Nicole, the girls and I had dinner together, (I apparently was ‘mean’ and ‘high strung’ which I normally am not, I was also getting some darn good contractions, which I kept passing off as braxton hicks.) We did the girls nails and got their hair do’s done. I shaved my legs for the first time in god knows how long (so did my sister, she’s single, I’m in a long-term relationship…why am I explaining myself?!)

I then went to bed and couldn’t sleep.

Thats the end of week one, stay tuned for week two of the holiday from hell!

(little teaser… probably already know but week two was wedding, baby and…..other stuff, I’m sure. I’ll have to cast my mind back. I must have mentally blocked it all out FOR A REASON!)

Good night!
